Fees & Policies


I accept Visa, Mastercard and e-transfers.


You may have some coverage for psychotherapy services depending on your insurance/ benefit plan. Please contact your provider to verify how your plan compensates for psychotherapy benefits.

I would recommend asking the following questions of your insurance provider to help determine your benefits:

Tax Deductable

Treatment provided by Registered Social Workers has been recognized as income tax deductible medical expense by Revenue Canada.



Sessions will be charged in full without 48 hours notice.

Letters & Reports

Requests for letters / reports will be charged at my usual hourly rate for completion.


Information you share is collected and stored with strict adherence to Ontario’s Personal Health Information Protection Act.

Information about your treatment can only be shared with your expressed, written consent.

A ‘Duty to Report / Warn’ exists for all regulated health professionals to contact appropriate authorities should you disclose an intention to harm yourself or anyone else.